All Geosite
Thematic: Geomorphology Tele, non-welded YTT Simanuk, Hydrothermaly altered YTT Tele – Simpang Harian, welded YTT Tele- Simpang Harian, welded OTT Simpang Limbong, meta-pebbly mudstone Geological Aspects The YTT deposits in the Tele plateau area and its surroundings show deformation due to active faults (connected to Read more...
Thematic: Geodiversity Sibandang-Pardepur post-calderic volcanic formations Sibandang, volcanic con Geological Aspects This area is part of the traces of the third generation Toba caldera formation (74,000 years ago), or what is also known as the ‘supervolcano’ eruption, covering an area of 497km² which is part Read more...
Thematic: Geo – Bio Diversity Water fall, Paleozoic basement Caldera wall Garden of Eden, Botanical Garden Geological Aspects The outcrop of mudstone units (‘pebbly mud-stone’) exposed on the cliffs of the waterfall in Eden Park is an attractive destination for tourists to bathe and enjoy Read more...
Thematic: Geodiversity Situmurun, Uluan Block Situmurun Waterfall Geological Aspects The Situmurun Geosite is a pumice pyroclastic fall deposit product of the eruption of the Sibandang Caldera (YTT) which covered part of the Uluan block before it collapsed, with a panoramic view of the landscape of Read more...
Tongging, Paleozoic basement and caldera wall Sipisopiso volcanic cone and Landform Panoramic view Geological Aspects Sipisopiso Waterfall, is a trace of a normal fault which is part of the caldera collapse (above), and a panoramic view of the landscape at the northern tip of Lake Read more...
Translation of “Geosite Silahisabungan” Geological Aspects Theme: Geo-Cultural Diversity Kodon-kodons, Tilt block caldera wall: Kodon-kodons are pyroclastic flow deposits that have solidified and formed a type of volcanic breccia. They are found on the tilt block caldera wall, which is the steeply inclined wall of Read more...
Sigulati, Toba Geopark Museum Sianjur First, dacitic lava Tele, non-welded YTT Hobon Stone, Cultural site Sianjur Initially, Traditional Batak House Parhorasan Rock Dacitic lava flow Siboro, limestone – volcanic contact Aek Rangat, geothermal field Geological Aspects Panorama of G. Pusuk Buhit (+ 1751 m) seen Read more...
Thematic: Geo – Bio Diversity Monkey Forest, Sibaganding Limestone Patrajasa, Welded YTT tilt blocks Parapat, semi-welded non-welded YTT Geological Aspects It is said that the legend of Batu Gantung in society is the incarnation of a Batak Boru Sinaga woman who was confused about choosing Read more...
Thematic : lacustrine deposit sequence Hutatinggi diatomae-lacustrine deposite Hutatinggi lacustrine deposit sequence Hutatinggi debris flow deposite Hutatinggi, panoramic view of the landform Geological Aspects The lake sediment units found in the Huta Tinggi area consist of sediments in a calm water environment (lacustrine), consisting of Read more...
Thematic: Geodiversity Hutaginjang Plateau YTT hydrothermaly-alteration; Hutaginjang Hutaginjang – Tapian Nauli, non-welded YTT plateau Tapian Nauli, Welded OTT Tapian Nauli Parking Area, Brecciated Lava Dolok Martumbur, Mesozoic meta-sandstones Geological Aspects Morphology of the Plateau and Caldera Rim Tufa Deposits Resulting from Eruptions 74,000 Years Ago. Read more...
Thematic: Geodiversity Non-welded YTT Haranggaol, welded MTT Haranggaol, welded HDT (Haranggaol Dacitic Tuff) Haranggoal, Andesitic lava Geological Aspects Panorama of the natural landscape on the road to the Ds area. Harangaol, Simalungun, showing the caldera walls consisting of a sequence of YTT (topmost), MTT and Read more...
Thematic: Geo-Culture Diversity Hoda stone, altered YTT sediment Simanindo, terrace sediments Huta Bolon, Batak Museum Geological Aspects Landscape panorama of the northern tip of Samosir Island (Simanindo area), showing traces of uplift in the form of small islands (top), traces of stepped terraces (middle and Read more...