All Places in Tapanuli Utara
Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport: A Gateway to Lake Toba History and Development: Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport (Silangit Airport) has been around since the Japanese occupation era. However, the development of this airport began in 1995 by extending the runway from its original 900 meters to Read more...
Salib Kasih Tarutung: A Monument of Love and Natural Beauty Salib Kasih Tarutung is a cross-shaped monument located on Bukit Siatas Barita, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. It was built to commemorate the work of Ingwer Ludwig Nommensen, a German Christian missionary who spread Christianity in Read more...
Enjoying the Beauty of Lake Toba from Above Panoramic Steep Cliffs and the Beauty of Geopark Panatapan Hutaginjang is one of the Lake Toba geosites that offers a panorama of steep cliffs along the eastern part of North Tapanuli. Huta Ginjang, located at an altitude Read more...
A Hidden Gem in North Tapanuli Taman Wisata Alam Sijaba Huta Ginjang is a hidden gem located in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra. Offering breathtaking natural panoramas and a variety of exciting activities, this tourist park is an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventurers. Read more...
Port and Transportation
Muara Port on Lake Toba is one of 12 ferry ports developed by the Ministry of Transportation to support tourism in the Lake Toba area, North Sumatra Province. The port is located in North Tapanuli Regency and serves as one of the entrances to Lake Read more...
Natural Beauty and the Benefits of Sulfur Water Natural Warmth from the Limestone Hills Sipoholon Hot Spring is located in the limestone hills, presenting unique natural charm and healthy water properties. The water temperature reaches 70 degrees Celsius and comes from the limestone hills, containing Read more...
Pemandian Air Panas Hutabarat: Sensasi Berendam yang Berbeda Konsep Unik dan Akses Mudah: Terletak di Hutabarat, menawarkan konsep berbeda dari pemandian air panas Sipoholon Dekat dengan pusat kota Tarutung, mudah dijangkau Fasilitas Lengkap: Kolam pemandian, kamar mandi, dan kafe Tempat santai sam Hutabarat Hot Spring: Read more...